Good writing, made me feel like I was watching a movie, some of the comments were really like close-ups in a film. All the characters at the bar were alive, so vivid, that I was actually able to picture them in my head.
The story is very powerful, very intimate - and even though the main character is so affected by the absence of his father, and he mentions this in so many forms during the book, my feeling at the end was that this book was about his mother and about how she was able to do the right thing for her son.
The part about being at the bar, drinking, is what I liked least from the book, I was all the time looking forward to the developments happening outside the bar. A bit too much alcohol for my taste, and too many characters whose lives were affected by it
First Time Mom
Despre cum incerc sa devin o mamica de succes de la prima incercare
duminică, 28 februarie 2016
Day 5
Still hanging, it has been very easy, actually, no craving, no despair
The weekend is tougher than working days, yesterday we were visiting friends and sweets were served, today we hang around the house and felt the need to have chocolate with my morning coffee.
But, as I said, still strong
The weekend is tougher than working days, yesterday we were visiting friends and sweets were served, today we hang around the house and felt the need to have chocolate with my morning coffee.
But, as I said, still strong
joi, 25 februarie 2016
Day 2
easy so far
today I had some dried plums for afternoon snack - they were quite sweet, so no cravings
I think carbs would be for me much harder to give up on, as I don't really crave sweets
almost slipped because of corn which i wanted to put in a tuna salad - then I remembered it usually contains sugar, checked the label and put it back in the fridge
also realized today that I will probably slip in order to eat mucenici, which I totally love; but that will be one day only
today I had some dried plums for afternoon snack - they were quite sweet, so no cravings
I think carbs would be for me much harder to give up on, as I don't really crave sweets
almost slipped because of corn which i wanted to put in a tuna salad - then I remembered it usually contains sugar, checked the label and put it back in the fridge
also realized today that I will probably slip in order to eat mucenici, which I totally love; but that will be one day only
marți, 23 februarie 2016
30-day No Sugar Challenge
I start tomorrow
I will print two calendar sheets, one for my desk and one for the home fridge
I will keep track of the challenge here
Wish me luck!
I will print two calendar sheets, one for my desk and one for the home fridge
I will keep track of the challenge here
Wish me luck!
miercuri, 25 februarie 2015
sâmbătă, 21 aprilie 2012
A saisprezecea luna
Incredibil cum uneori, in timpul zilei, ajung sa imi doresc sa stea si ea macar 10 minute intr-un loc, linistita si fara sa aiba nevoie de mine, iar noaptea, la nici 2-3 ore de cand o culc in patutul ei, mi se face dor de ea, si simt asa o dorinta nebuna sa ma duc sa o iau in brate, sa o simt cum se cuibareste langa mine, calda, moale si atat de draguta.
miercuri, 28 martie 2012
Bilant intarziat de 15 luni + bonus
N-am facut inca bilantul pentru a cincisprezecea luna, dar azi am patit una care ma face sa ma pun pe scris. Asa ca, in ordinea numerelor de pe tricou, mai jos cu ce ne laudam pe luna care a trecut:
- dormim din ce in ce mai bine - maxim o trezire pe noapte, rezolvata cu un pic de leganat sau oferitul suzetei; in ultimele nopti am observat ca nici macar nu se mai ridica in picioare in patut, se foieste singura pana isi gaseste un nou culcus si adoarme la loc, eu nu mai trebuie sa intervin deloc; ca de fiecare data in etape din astea bune, zic Doamne-ajuta sa tina cat mai mult minunea, ca tare bine e!
- dormim din ce in ce mai bine - maxim o trezire pe noapte, rezolvata cu un pic de leganat sau oferitul suzetei; in ultimele nopti am observat ca nici macar nu se mai ridica in picioare in patut, se foieste singura pana isi gaseste un nou culcus si adoarme la loc, eu nu mai trebuie sa intervin deloc; ca de fiecare data in etape din astea bune, zic Doamne-ajuta sa tina cat mai mult minunea, ca tare bine e!
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